Learn About Loss of Use Coverage

Loss of use coverage is a standard part of a home insurance policy. This type of coverage will reimburse you for expenses you incur while you are unable to reside in your home.

Loss of Use Coverage

This insurance component can benefit anyone who is suddenly displaced. A fire, a burglary, a windstorm, or another event that makes a home uninhabitable could require you to find alternate living quarters temporarily. Loss of use coverage offers the flexibility to select temporary housing that is suitable and accommodating.

Temporary Housing

  • Space within a friend or family’s home
  • Trailer set up on residential property
  • Motel or hotel room

If your home becomes uninhabitable, you may choose one of the above places for temporary housing. Your loss of use coverage will reimburse you for the cost of the temporary housing. It is important to keep track of the cost of a temporary housing arrangement. 

Food and Other Expenses

If you cannot stay home, you may need to replace food, toiletries, and other items that you cannot bring from your home. The replacement items may be covered by your home insurance policy’s loss of use coverage. Review your home insurance policy for a full list of all the items that are covered.

Travel Essentials

Loss of use coverage may also cover gas, transportation, and other travel essentials. If you are temporarily staying out of town, keep track of all the travel essentials that you are responsible for.

Contact Slaughter Insurance Agency

Contact a representative of Slaughter Insurance Agency to learn more about loss of use coverage. One of our agents, who serves Quinlan, TX, will outline your home insurance coverage.

Does Home Insurance Cover Termite Damage?

Termites are one of the biggest threats to any homeowner’s investment. Termites can damage a home extensively and, in some cases, make it uninhabitable. If you’re a homeowner, it’s important to know how to protect yourself against termites and what to expect regarding insurance coverage. If you’re looking for home insurance, you can count on Slaughter Insurance Agency, which serves residents in and around the Quinlan, TX area.

Termite Damage 

If you own a home, you’re likely susceptible to termite damage. The best way to protect your home against termites is to have insurance protection. However, most home policies don’t cover termite damage. You’ll typically purchase a separate policy that specializes in termite protection. You should also keep your home sprayed and treated for termites to prevent loss and out-of-pocket expenses. It’s a blanket of protection for your home and your finances.

If you want home insurance to protect your home, be sure you know what it does and does not cover and act accordingly. Anyone interested in purchasing home insurance protection should reach out to one of our friendly and knowledgeable insurance agents. They have the insight and experience to help analyze your specific needs and recommend products that meet or exceed those needs.

Find Out More 

If you would like to learn more about home insurance and what it covers, please reach out to us today. Feel free to call or stop by our location and speak to one of our professional insurance agents. At Slaughter Insurance Agency, We take pride in giving our customers the insurance products they need to have peace of mind. Find out how easy we can make the insurance shopping process for the residents of Quinlan, TX.

Things home insurance won’t cover

A home is the largest asset most people have, and that means protecting it is very important. Home insurance provides a wide range of coverage but, like most insurance, it does have exclusions. At Slaughter Insurance Agency in Quinlan, TX, we try to make sure that all of our customers understand what the exclusions are and how you can compensate for them. 

Things home insurance won’t cover

Owner neglect

Owner neglect is a wide-reaching term that can be used to refuse coverage for a wide range of issues. If your home is damaged by termites, this is not something that your home insurance will cover, since it is your responsibility to treat your home for termites before they do damage. If you have an aging roof, and it leaks and allows your home to be damaged, it may not be covered since you are expected to maintain your roof. Your insurance carrier has the expectation that you will keep your home in good condition and not let it get run down. 

Earth movement

Earth movement covers a range of things, not just earthquakes. It also covers sinkholes as well as earth and mudslides. You can purchase a policy that will provide your home with this coverage. 


Flooding is probably the biggest shock to most homeowners. It can be complicated because some floods result from covered events. If you are in danger, be sure to discuss the possibility of adding flood insurance to your coverage. It is available through the NFIP. Flooding caused by broken pipes is covered. 

Home sharing messes

If you are considering renting your home out through Airbnb or HomeAway you should be aware that damage will not be covered by your traditional home insurance. This is considered business use of your home. 

We Can Help!

Contact Slaughter Insurance Agency in Quinlan, TX for all of your home insurance needs. 

Protect Your Home With Home Insurance

When you are the owner of a home, you need to make sure that you do everything you can to protect it. You do maintenance on it and make sure that there are smoke detectors, but those aren’t the only things that your house needs. You also need to have a home insurance policy. It’s an essential part of your home protection and protects your home in a number of important ways. When you need home insurance, you can call us at Slaughter Insurance Agency in Quinlan, TX.

Why Home Insurance

Home Protection

The protection you need for the dwelling is right there in your home insurance policy. Each policy specifies exactly what it covers your home for, and what it doesn’t. It will specify the types of accidents, calamities, and disasters that are included in the policy. This gives you all the information you need about the protection you’re getting. Every home insurance policy will have a wide range of events that it covers the home for. 

Belonging Protection

Your home isn’t just a dwelling, it’s also where you have all of your possessions. The insurance policy that you have on your home will also protect your belongings from the same types of damaging events as the dwelling. There are many ways that the items in your home can become damaged, and it’s always essential to have your home policy for this reason. 

Liability Protection

These policies also protect you against someone becoming injured in your home and hold you responsible for the medical bills. The bills can be enormous, and there more be other bills due as well. Home insurance can pay for all of those expenses to keep you financially protected from them. 

Get the Protection You Need

To get the policy you need for your own protection, call us at Slaughter Insurance Agency in Quinlan, TX.

Why should people in Quinlan get home insurance?

If you are a resident of the Quinlan, TX area, it would be a good idea to own a home. Property ownership here comes with various long-term benefits, including offering a consistent place to live and allowing you to build equity. If you want to purchase a home here, getting the proper insurance is a necessity.

There are multiple reasons why someone here should get this type of coverage:

Ensure Assets are Covered

An important reason anyone will need to have a home insurance plan is to ensure their assets are covered. If you are going to purchase any type of property here, it would be beneficial to have it protected against various risks. A home insurance plan will give coverage to help repair or rebuild the property if it is damaged due to bad weather or a fire. 

Reduce Liability Risks

You should also get a home insurance plan in this state to reduce your liability risks. There are various risks that come with owning a home, such as an accident occurring on your property that results in an injury. As the damages in a liability claim such as these can be significant, you should ensure you are offsetting it as well as possible. Home insurance includes a provision for liability insurance that can help protect against this risk. 

Get The Right Coverage Today

People living all over the Quinlan, TX area will want to know that they are fully insured with a proper home insurance plan. There are a lot of choices that need to be made when evaluating your home insurance options and the Slaughter Insurance Agency will help you build a plan. Slaughter Insurance Agency will always take a customized approach to help you build a policy that meets your requirements and offers the right type and level of coverage. 

What every new homeowner needs to know about home insurance

The old saying "what you don’t know can’t hurt you " is not true when it comes to home insurance. The more you know, the less likely you are to make an error when choosing the right coverage for your new home. At Slaughter Insurance Agency in Quinlan, TX we make sure that all of our customers have the information they need to make an educated decision about their home insurance. 

New Homeowners: What You Need to Know About Your Insurance

Read your policy

Don’t take anything for granted. Check the declaration page to get all the particulars of your coverage in a simple-to-read format. 

Your policy can be customized

A one-size-fits-all policy doesn’t have to be what you get. You can determine the amount of liability coverage you want, the type of content coverage you need, and any riders that you may want to add. 

Home insurance has exclusions

While home insurance provides some really great coverage, it is also seriously lacking in some other areas. Probably the most surprising is that it doesn’t cover you for floods. Floods are one of the most damaging natural disasters and you have to get a separate policy if you want to be protected. Earthquakes are also not covered. Normal wear and tear and owner neglect are also excluded, along with sewer backup and sinkholes. Some breeds of dogs are excluded from coverage as well.

Your policy has limitations

Some content coverage is limited to certain dollar amounts. Jewelry is one of them. If you have some nice jewelry, check your coverage and consider adding a jewelry rider to provide enough protection. Other expensive items may require an appraisal to make sure they are covered. If you have a lot of electronics, make sure you have enough limits to cover them. 

Contact Us Today

Contact Slaughter Insurance Agency in Quinlan, TX if you have questions about home insurance coverage. We will offer you expert insurance advice and no-obligation quotes.

Key Facts Regarding Home Insurance Policies

Slaughter Insurance Agency serves the Quinlan, TX community. We work with multiple carriers throughout the state. This allows us to offer our clients unique policies that align with their vision. We provide an assortment of coverage options so that we can help our clients protect their assets.

Key Facts Regarding Home Insurance Policies

Your Quinlan, TX property is one of your most prized possessions. You’ve likely invested a lot of time and energy into becoming a homeowner. Home insurance will help you protect your asset. The policy covers any damages to the inner and outer layers of your home. You are also covered if any personal items in your home are stolen or damaged. Liability coverage protects you if you accidentally cause damage to someone else’s property. You are also covered if someone gets injured while visiting your home. While looking over your home insurance policy, be aware of these key facts.

Natural Disasters Are Generally Covered

As a Texas resident, you are aware that severe weather is a common occurrence. Hurricanes and tornados have the ability to cause major damage as they move the region. Home insurance covers any damage to your home caused by these types of natural disasters. You can add temporary living coverage to protect you during emergencies. This gives you a safety net if you have to stay somewhere else while your home is being repaired. Also, be aware that natural disasters often cause flood damage. If your home is damaged due to a flood, you are not protected unless you amend your policy.

High-Risk Accessories

If you have high-risk accessories installed at your home such as a trampoline, you are potentially exposing yourself to a serious liability risk if a guest gets hurt. Consider adding extra liability coverage.  

Slaughter Insurance Agency Will Help You Protect Your Assets

Contact us today to learn more information about home insurance.

Tips for keeping your home safe

Keeping your home safe is something that everyone wants to do. Risks are everywhere both inside and outside the house. Some risks are things you can’t control, but for others, you can make sure that your home is prepared. At Slaughter Insurance Agency in Quinlan, TX we have a team of experienced agents who are here to help make sure you get the right insurance at an affordable price. As independent agents, we can offer more choices and work for our customers, not one carrier. 

Check your batteries

Make sure the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are changed at least twice a year for maximum safety. 

Use your locks

Make sure you not only have locks on your windows and doors but that you use them religiously. They can’t keep you safe if you don’t use them. Window locks especially can be overlooked. 

Get your furnace and chimney cleaned yearly

Fire is one of the biggest safety threats to your home. Making sure your furnace and chimney aren’t fire hazards gives you peace of mind and in the case of your furnace, can save you money since your unit will run more efficiently if it is clean. 

Install a home security system

These days it is inexpensive to have the security you need in your home. Some systems are DIY and unless you opt for a monitored system there is no expense other than buying the alarms and cameras. 

Store poison in a safe place

Poison should always be stored where it can’t be reached by children or pets. Outside the home is best. 

Making your home safer only takes a few key steps.  When you are ready to discuss your home insurance or would like us to review it, at Slaughter Insurance Agency in Quinlan, TX we are ready to help.

4 Things Covered By Home Insurance

When you own a home in Quinlan, TX, you can’t afford to go without home insurance. Because a home is worth so much, you can’t roll the dice and hope nothing terrible happens to your home. Theft, vandalism, fire, hail, and other perils can damage your home; turning your dream home into a nightmare.

The good news is that you can purchase home insurance from Slaughter Insurance Agency to get coverage in the following areas.

Liability protection

The liability coverage in your home insurance covers you against bodily injury and property damage caused to third parties. For instance, if your dog bites a neighbor or you reverse your car into your neighbor’s wall, home insurance should pay for the arising liability claims up to the policy limit.

Structure protection

If your home and the structures within it are destroyed by fire, storms, or any other peril, your home insurance’s dwelling coverage reimburses the repairs or rebuilding costs of your home. 

Contents coverage

List down your assets — clothing, furniture, electronics, and other personal effects. You will be surprised that your belongings are pretty valuable. With this in mind, you need to protect your assets against theft, vandalism, and other risks that may cause damage or loss to your assets.

Remember, for high-value items like jewelry and cash, home insurance provides limited coverage. As such, talk to your agent for a separate policy.

Additional living expenses (ALE)

Is your home damaged by a storm or fire? Worry not. When you seek temporal shelter from a hotel, the ALE add-on covers meals, accommodation, and other expenses incurred beyond your average spending.

Do you need home insurance for your Quinlan, TX home? You are on the right track. Contact Slaughter Insurance Agency, and our team will help you purchase home insurance that gives you maximum protection.